최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

저항의 발생과 대책

Resistance Development and Management

  • 29

Due to the conflict between a patient s wanting to get well and also wanting to avoid the hardship one has to face in order to get well, resistance appears inevitable during psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. Therefore, in order to ensure thorough and effective treatment, resistance requires serious attention. Although there are many types of resistance, it usually shows through a patient s attitude, verbalization, and behavior. It is easy to identify more frequently seen resistance; however, it is rather difficult to grasp resistance hidden articulately through defense mechanisms. A therapist must try to accurately recognize the manifestations of resistance as well as its sources. In addition, when dealing with resistance, one should not forget to keep in mind that coming from the therapist him or herself. Resistance does not have to be an obstacle for treatment; rather, it can be a tool with which therapists learn crucial information about and begin to understand the patient. By revealing a patient’s resistance and helping them to understand and interpret it, therapists are able togain reinforcement for furthering the treatment process.

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