Objectives The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of computerized cognitive rehabilitation training on inpatients with schizophrenia in the rehabilitation unit. Methods Thirty-eight patients with schizophrenia from the Yongin Mental Hospital Rehabilitation Ward were randomly assigned either to a computerized cognitive rehabilitation group or to a control group. The rehabilitation group received 12 sessions of computerized cognitive rehabilitation training (Cog-Trainer) over 3 months. This training program consisted of ten units, each of which consisted of 3 levels, practice, application, and advanced. Neurocognitive functions were assessed at the beginning and end of the training period. Cognitive measures included Span of Apprehension (SPAN), Continuous Performance Test (CPT), Digit Span, Trail Making Test, and the Stroop Test. Results Compared to controls, subjects receiving computerized cognitive rehabilitation training experienced a significant improvement in attention, concentration, and working memory. Conclusion These results indicate that computerized cognitive rehabilitation training can contribute to improvement in cognitive function of patients with schizophrenia. Further study to generalize these results is required
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