Objectives We studied the psychometric properties of a Korean version of the Ambiguous Intentions Hostility Questionnaire (K-AIHQ), which measures hostile social-cognitive biases for use in the research on paranoia. Methods The translation and back-translation of the AIHQ with concern for the cultural differences were done according to the standard procedure. A sample of 83 healthy volunteers completed the K-AIHQ. Results The scores of the K-AIHQ were comparable to the results of the original studies. The Paranoia Scale was correlated with the K-AIHQ, but Magical Ideation and Perceptual Aberration scales were not correlated with the K-AIHQ. The interrater reliabilities of the items in each situation were in the acceptable range. Conclusion The KAIHQ seems to be a reliable and valid test to measure the hostile social cognitive biases of patients with paranoia.
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