최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

청소년기 정상발달과 흔한 정신장애

Normal Development and Common Psychiatric Illnesses in Adolescence

  • 78

Objectives:I reviewed the fundamental knowledge about normal development and common psychiatric illnesses in adolescence to provide with a lecture note for resident training seminar. Methods:Three textbooks were reviewed and summarized. Results:Adolescence is a bridge period between childhood and adulthood. Through adolescence, the development and achievement of interpersonal relationship, character pattern, learning and occupational capabilities occur. In adolescence, lots of both physical and psychological changes are observed. Also the requirement of social role and duty increased. Because of them, many psychiatric illnesses and adaptive problems are developed and exert negative influences on the quality of life of adolescents and their family. Conclusion:Adolescence is important period in human development and many psychiatric disabilities are developed and aggravated in this period

서 론

방 법

청소년기의 정의

정 상 발 달

정 신 병 리

치 료

결 론

