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KCI등재 학술저널

소아청소년 정신의학에서의 뇌영상연구

Brain Imaging Studies in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

  • 30

Brain imaging techniques in child and adolescent psychiatry are developing at an astonishing speed. Neuroimaging techniques in the field of psychiatry have yielded many meaningful and significant scientific results. Until 1980’s, its application in child and adolescent psychiatry has been somewhat limited by technical and ethical reasons. Recently, however, there are cascade of neuroimaging studies in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry owing to rapid progression of the technical aspect of imaging and confirmation of the safety of human young subjects. In this article, we summarize scientific results in neuroimaging of child and adolescent psychiatric field from early 1990’s up until now. We described the advantages, disadvantages and application of diverse structural and functional imaging techniques and suggest future prospect on imaging techniques

서 론

구조적인 신경 영상 연구 (Structural Neuroimaging)

기능적인 신경 영상 연구 (Functional Neuroimaging)

미래의 소아정신의학 뇌영상 연구를 위한 제언

결 론

