Objective:This study aimed to validate the Clinical Global Impression 5-factor (CGI-5 factor) scale and Personal and Social Performance scale (PSP), which are brief clinical global scales to assess the psychological symptoms and psychosocial functioning in patients with psychosis. Methods:The CGI-5 factor scale is composed of 5 items:CGI-Positive, Negative, Depressive, Excitement, and Cognitive. Concurrent validity and sensitivity to change were evaluated by comparing the CGI-5 factor scale with Positive and Negative syndrome Scale (PANSS) 5-dimension. Concurrent validity of PSP was compared with Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) score and Psychosocial functioning (PSF) scales composed of selected items from Quality of Life Scale (QLS), Functional Analysis of Care Environments (FACE), and Social-Adaptive Functioning Evaluation (SAFE). A total of 63 inpatients were enrolled in this study. To evaluate inter-rater reliability, 20 patients were assessed by two investigators. Results:The correlations between the CGI-5 factor scale and PANSS were significant on admission (0.507<r<0.814). The changes in CGI-5 factor scale from admission to discharge correlated with the changes in PANSS (0.530<r<0.882). PSP significantly correlated with PSF and GAF (-0.804<r<-0.408). Inter-rater reliability for CGI-5 factor scale (0.67<ICC<0.72) and for PSP (ICC>0.86) were in moderate to substantial range. Conclusion:This study confirmed the validity and reliability of the CGI-5 factor scale and PSP. Given its simplicity and brevity, these can be used to evaluate global symptoms and psychosocial functioning of psychotic patients in routine clinical practice.
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