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KCI등재 학술저널

스트레스 반응 척도의 수정판 개발 및 타당화 연구:근로자 대상

Development and Validation of a Modified form of the Stress Response Inventory for Workers

  • 470

Objectives:The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a modified form of the Stress Response Inventory (SRI-MF) for workers. Methods:In study I, the Stress Response Inventory was conducted in 3,420 person, who worked for public institutions and large corporations. They were selected from 10 areas throughout the country. After we performed experimental factor analysis in order to select the items by internal consistency and factor loadings, we developed the short form of SRI (SRI-MF). In Study II, SRI-MF was validated by showing convergent/divergent validity with other stress-measuring instruments in another samples. Results:In study I, factor analysis yielded 5 factors, and two of them were excluded because of their low internal consistency. Consequently, total 22 items in the remaining 3 factors (somatization, depression, anger) were selected for the SRI-MF. Test-retest reliability of the SRI-MF was significantly high, ranging between .67-.71. Cronbach’s α was also high. In study II, convergent validity was computed by correlating scores of other scales (GARS, SCL-90-R, PSQ) score. The correlations were all at significant levels. Discriminant validity was computed by comparing the total score and scores of 3 subscales in the patient and normal group. There were significant differences in the total and scores of 3 subscales between the two groups. Conclusion:The results of identifying factor structure in the SRI indicated 5 signifcant factors. Among them, 3 factors can be employed for the modified form of SRI with a high internal consistency. Thus, we suggest that the SRI-MF should be a effective and valid scale to evaluate stress response in work places.

서 론

연 구 1

연 구 2

