최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

대한신경정신의학회 회칙 개정에 대한 제언

A Suggestion for the Revision of the Regulations of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association

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In the face of rapid changes of society and medical environment, we now come to a crisis in which the identity of psychiatry is threatened. The regulations of a society are rules made in order to govern the way its activities are done or to control the way its members behave. So, the amendment of the regulations of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association (KNPA) are needed to cope with current difficulties efficiently. The planning committee drew up a revised version of regulations based on the intent of KNPA, i.e., developing neuropsychiatry, enhancing the mental health of people, promoting friendship among the members and extending the rights of members. As the need of the hour, the establishment of an institute to carry out the development of mental health polices on a long-term basis, the reestablishment of the relations with connected organizations and academic societies, and the reconstitution of the KNPA organization to heighten the efficiency of operations were chosen. In this article, the details of revised regulations were proposed and discussed

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