최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

정신과 전문병원에서 적정 의료 인력의 추산

An Estimation of Optimal Medical Manpower in Mental Hospital

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Objectives:The purpose of this study is to surmise appropriate level of medical manpower of mental hospital from the perspectives of clinical experts, psychiatrist and psychiatric nurse. Methods:First, we wlleded data on medical manpower of domestic mental hospitals and foreign mental hospitals. Next, psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses were asked to complete a survey. We estimated the optimal level of medical manpower examining appropriate volume of medical services that should be provided for psychiatric patients, and analizying the survey carried out by direct questions. Results:The number of psychiatrists of group A of private mental hospitals was 1.7 times more than that of public mental hospitals;when the number of psychiatrists in public mental hospitals was regarded as 1.0, and group B of private mental hospitals was 0.5 times, and the university hospitals 8.2 times. The number of psychiatric of group A of private hospitals was 1.5 times more than that of public mental hospitals;when the number of psychiatric nurses in public mental hospitals was regarded as 1.0, the group B of private mental hospitals was 0.6 times and university hospitals was 2.6 times. The foreign mental hospitals had more medical manpowers in all occupations than domestic mental hospitals. The number of psychiatrists estimated according to the first method was 11.1 persons and the number of psychiatric nurses was 26.3 persons per 100 beds, and the number of psychiatrists estimated according to the second method was 4.3 persons per and the number of psychiatric nurses was 20.8 persons per 100 beds. Conclusion:The estimated optimal number of psychiatrists for mental hospital is 4.3 persons and of psychiatric nurses was 20.8 persons per 100 beds. However, these numbers can be flexible depending on the ratio of short-term acute patients and long term chronic patients

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