Objectives:To examine the changing pattern of cognitive function in old age. Methods:Longitudinal observation of MMSEK performances of the elderly living in a rural community through 2 consecutive 6-year follow-ups. The mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variability of the three consecutive MMSEK performances with 6-year interval were indicators of the changing pattern. Paired t-test was used for comparison of two consecutive MMSEK performances:MMSEK-90 vs MMSEK-96 and MMSEK-96 vs MMSEK-02, while Student s t-test for comparison between the first and second 6-year changes of the MMSEK performance. Results:In all age groups, the MMSEK performance declined significantly during the two consecutive 6-year periods, the standard deviation and coefficient of variability widened with age, and the second 6-year decline of the MMSEK performance was significantly greater than the first 6-year decline. Conclusion:Decline of the cognitive function is steeper in the elderly with age and the declining pattern is the ‘fan-spread’ shape.
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