Objectives:Recently, the number of female gamblers has increased, therefore, the proportion of women is around one third of all the pathological gamblers. However, the majority of previous studies on pathological gambling have been performed with only male subjects and tended to generalize those results to females. The authors have investigated the gender differences in level 3 gambling in terms of characteristics of gambling and associated psychiatric symptoms. Methods:166 participants (104 males, 62 females) who came to a casino have been evaluated for their sociodemographic data and the characteristics of gambling. Participants completed the following self-reported questionnaires: The Korean Version of South Oaks Gambling Screen (KSOGS), The Korean Version of Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS), The Korean Version of Beck Anxiety Scale (BAI), The Korean Version of Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS), The Korean Version of Behavioral Activation/Inhibition System Scale (K-BAS/BIS), CAGE (The CAGE Questionnare), The Korean Version of Eating Attitudes Test (KEAT). Results:Female level 3 gamblers had significantly later age of onset for their gambling behavior than male. Female level 3 gamblers were significantly more depressed and male level 3 gamblers had more severe alcohol use problems. The proportion of the participants with more severe eating problems was significantly higher in female level 3 gamblers than their male counterparts. Conclusion:This study suggests the importance of considering the associated depressive symptoms and eating problems in female gamblers
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