Objectives:The objective of this study is to clarify the family environments, parent-adolescent communication, family violence, parental conflict, parental alcohol drinking that contribute to internet use of adolescent. Methods:Subjects were middle and high school students in Gang-seo gu, Seoul city (N=998). Self-rating questionnaire included demographic data, internet addiction scale, family adaptability cohesion evaluation scale III, parent-adolescent communication inventory, conflict tactics scales 2 and children of alcoholics screening test. Results:1) There were statistically significant differences in CAST, family violence, communication between family members and family adaptability cohesion scale between addicted group and non-addicted group. 2) Most significantly correlated variants for internet addiction were problematic communication of parents and psychological aggression. 3) Multiple regression analysis showed that problematic communication of parents, psychological aggression and CAST could explain 10.1% of internet addictions. Conclusion:This study was designed specifically to focus on the various domains of adolescents’ family environment that may influence the overuse of internet. It proved that moderate level of adaptability, cohesion and open communication in a parentchild relationship can prevent the overuse of internet. On the other hand, aggressive language spoken between the two parents and their alcohol abuse can aggravate the overuse of internet
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