A chronic psychological disorder is often encountered in adult survivors of severe and repeated child abuse. We report a case of successful Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) treatment in a multiply traumatized survivor whose previous treatments with psychotropic medication and supportive psychotherapy were unsuccessful. A series of consecutive six weekly sessions of EMDR were given. The patient completed Symptom Checklist-90-Revised. Dissociative Experiences Scale. State and Trait Anxiety Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory and Impact of Event Scale- Revised at four points;at two months and a week before EMDR, a week and six months after EMDR. After EMDR, the patient improved on all the measures of scales. These gains were maintained at six months after the termination of treatment. This case suggests a possible application of EMDR with for chronic difficult-to-treat post traumatic conditions.
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