Objectives:Community Screening Interview for Dementia (CSID) is a reliable screening instrument for dementia, irrespective of educational level and cultural differences among various populations. This study aimed to develop the Korean version of CSID (CSID-K) for screening of dementia in Korean community residing old people. Methods:Study sample consisted of a dementia patient group and three control groups (depression, education, no education), each of them was composed of 30 community residing elders. CSID-K was administered, and demographic characteristic, depression, and cognitive function were investigated. Results:Split half reliability (Guttmans’), internal consistency (Cronbach’s α), and inter-rater and test-retest (two weeks) reliabilities of the CSID-K were excellent. Scores on the CSID-K were significantly correlated with other measures for cognitive function. In addition, scores on the CSID-K were significantly different between the dementia patient group and three control groups. Conclusion:CSI-K was a reliable and valid instrument to screen dementia in Korean community residing old people. It could be used not only in community settings but also in clinical settings and for cross-cultural researches.
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