Objectives are to understand the trend of ‘Globulation’. an individual strategy for a ‘revolution from beyond’, and to acknowledge the need to improve the command of English particularly in writing and speaking. The reader should be able to identify common grammar and compositional errors in writing English abstract. 112 English abstracts already accepted by the editorial board were examined to correct grammar and compositional errors since 2002. Five abstracts were chosen to illustrate inadequacies in different areas. Inadequacies were found most commonly in the structure of abstract. The guideline set by the Journal was often violated, not to mention the ones paid no attention to the guideline. Many abstracts were not presentable because of many errors in grammar. It was strongly recommended to include the assessment of English abstract in evaluation process. Inadequate ones should be returned to the authors for correction.
개인의 세계화 전략(Globalution)
개성과 영어구사 능력
앞날의 도약을 위한 점검
초록구성의 문제점
결 론