최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

남한 내 탈북자들의 의식 및 생활 만족도 연구

The Way of Thinking and Satisfaction Level of North Korean Defectors in South Korea

  • 55

Objectives:This study was performed to study the way of thinking and satisfaction level of North Korean defectors in South Korea on various topics and their relationship with each other. Methods:Direct interview was performed for 553 North Korean defectors in South Korea. 44 items of life satisfaction were rated. Satisfaction level was rated on a 5 point scale (1-unsatisfactory and 5-fully satisfied). Factor analysis and correlation of the factors were performed. Results:The average level of satisfaction was 3.39. Relatively high satisfaction items were adjustment of their children, family life, and residence area. But relatively low satisfaction items were psychological and mental area, leisure, and income. In governmental support systems, medical support was the most satisfactorily rated item, but financial support for settlement and support for employment or job training were the most dissatisfied. In the factor analysis, 44 items of satisfaction were grouped into 13 factors. The correlation of these factors showed that general satisfaction is significantly correlated with satisfaction with housing, economic status, governmental support and lower degree of confusion on the sense of value. Confusion on the sense of value was high when defectors do not have close friends, have difficulties in understanding South Korean people, and are not satisfied with their economic status. Religion did not have significant correlation with the their sense of value. And self and social consciousness of the defectors were strongly correlated with the their employment status. Conclusion:This result showed that the satisfaction of North Korean defectors is correlated not only with material aspects, but also psychological and mental aspects. The results of study should be considered in helping defector to adjust to living in South Korea

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연구대상 및 방법

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