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커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

문제행동 청소년을 위한 대인관계 집단치료 효과

Effects of Interpersonal Group Therapy for Adolescents with Behavioral Problems

  • 59

Objectives:Fast change and confusion of the value system in society affect the identity formation of adolescents. So Adolescents’ behavioral problems seem to be increasing yearly. It is known that the interpersonal group therapy is the most effective treatment modality among many group programs for adolescents with behavioral problems. Objectives of this study are as follows;first, evaluate therapeutic effects of the interpersonal group therapy for adolescents with behavioral problems second, examine the therapeutic factors;third, analyze the group process;fourth, orgamize the group therapy for adolescents with behavioral problems as an applicable treatment modality. The types of group therapy performed in this study are small, closed, homogeneous, outpatient, timelimited, and adolescent group. Methods:This study was carried out at one of the adolescents mental health services in Uiwang Mental Health Center, from April to June and from September to November in 2000. The subjects were 2nd grade students in K middle school with behavioral proplems. The experimental groups were composed of 4 groups including 2 male groups and 2 female groups (male 11, female 17), and the control groups matched the same conditions as the experimental groups (male 10, female 19). The group therapy was performed weekly in CA (club activity) time, and it took 60-70 minutes at one time. They met total 10 sessions including preparatory meeting and termination meeting. Before and after this program, self-rating scales (behavioral problems, aggression, and impulsivity) were applied for subjects, and the teacher rating scales (behavioral problems, aggression and impulsivity) were performed by teachers in charge. After each session, Yalom’s 13 therapeutic factors scale was performed. At the last meeting, total assessment questionnaire was completed. Results:The mean scores of all self-rating scales (behavioral problem, aggression, and impulsivity) were lower in the experimental groups (both male and female group) than the control groups, but not significant statistically except the behavioral problem scale of female students. The mean scores of all teacher rating scales (behavioral problem, aggression, and impulsivity) were lower in the experimental groups (both male and female group) in comparison with the control groups, all significant statistically. As faras the therapeutic factors are concerned;first, the mean scores of all therapeutic factors in female students were higher than in male students and the mean scores of all therapeutic factors in the later half sessions were higher than the former half sessions ; second, catharsis and existential factor were high in all students and sessions; third, identification with therapist factor was high in all students and sessions;fourth, during the later half sessions, interpersonal input was relatively high in male students and socializing technique was relatively high in female students. Its forthe total assessment questionnaires;100% of male students and 88.2% of female students reported that they were helped by this group therapy;100% of male students and 82.4% of female students reported that they would participate willingly if future opportunity of the same group therapy is given for them. Conclusion:Adolescents with behavioral problems who participated in this study showed the decrease of behavioral problems and the change of aggressive and impulsive attitudes in comparison with the control groups although they had some differences between male and female students. The group therapy with adolescents would be practiced more broadly and extensively though there are several accompanied problems including the difficulty of structuring, the deficit of motivation, and financial problem

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