최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

탈북자들을 통하여 본 북한주민 의식 조사

Survey of the North Korean People’s Social Consciousness- Study on North Korean Defectors in South Korea

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Objectives:North Korean people’s thought and opinions on their contry, society, and economy were studied through North Korean defectors. Methods:At Hanawon, 163 defectors were surveyed with 2 questionnaires in May 2002. Results:North Koreans believe that socialism it was a right choice for North Korea. Because of the gap between the ideal and economic reality, however admitted sense of frustration. They think that the communist value system and the communal consciousness have been shrinking gradually, and their attitude to South Korea was one of ambivalence. Peoples views are different according to age and institutional education they received. Conclusion:For the day of unification, we suggest the followings. First, South and North Korea should put in more effort for building a common nationalistic consciousness. Second, reasonable criticism against communism and the advantages of alternative systems which are expected to be accepted by North Koreans through education after unification, need to be prepared. Third, the development of psychological conflicts and the frustration of North Korean people after unification are anticipated and their solutions must be saught after. Fourth, continuos studies for the understanding of North Korean people’s psychological characteristics and it’s change is needed.

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