최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

병적 도박의 충동성과 감각추구:알코올중독과의 비교

Impulsivity and Sensation-seeking of Pathological Gambling - Comparison with Alcoholism -

  • 64

Objectives : We investigated impulsivity and sensation seeking of pathological gambling, comparing with alcoholism and normal group. Methods : 36 pathological gamblers, who were diagnosed by DSM-IV criteria, were compared with 31 alcoholism group and 26 healthy normal group with Barratt impulsivity scale and Zuckerman sensation seeking scale. Results : 1) Pathological gamblers appeared to have much more impulsivity than alcoholism group or normal group. In respect to sensation seeking, no significant differences were founded among three groups. 2) Pathological gamblers tend to have more non-planning impulsivity, cognitive impulsivity, and motor impulsivity than alcoholic group. Comparing with normal group, pathological gamblers tend to have more non-planning impulsivity and motor impulsivity, but not in cognitive impulsivity. 3) There were no differences in three sub-scales including of thrill seeking, experience seeking and disinhibition out of four sub-scales of sensation seeking scale, among three groups. However, Boredom susceptibility was higher in pathological gamblers than alcoholics and normal group. Conclusions : These results suggested that personality of pathological gambler is most impulsive and boredom susceptible, which indicates that pathological gamblers is more serious pathological clinical disorder than alcoholism.

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