최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

Past, Present and Future of Korean Psychiatry

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The history of Korean psychiatry can be epitomized along the stages of westernization and modernization of the nation. The opening of a psychiatric unit of the Japanese colonial government hospital was the first psychiatric treatment facility of western style in Korea, which was later followed by a more humane psychiatric service introduced by a missionary psychiatrist at Severance Hospital. The two mainstreams of Korean psychiatry during colonial days came to end by the outbreak of World War II. The Korean war was a turning point for the modernization of Korean psychiatry due to the influence of American medicine particularly to opportunities for a massive training of professional manpower during and after the war. Many young psychiatrists went abroad for training and their return and dedicated contributions highlighted the establishment of contemporary Korean psychiatry. Today, the level of biological researches attained a world level and the standards of psychiatric education system outstanding in it s excellence. Rapid paces of westernization and modernization was a busy journey to catch up with developed countries mainly to assimilate their progress. Now Korean psychiatry is in stalemate, however, for it now searches for a new identity and directions. For new directions, the suggested were 1) the discovery of a new identity of Korean psychiatry with historical perspective so that a new mind is set forward, 2) integration of brian not only with mind but also with culture, 3) a strategy to form East Asia regional network and hub for more active collaborations with East Asian countries, 4) and a vigorous training program for the leadership of global caliber of young Korean psychiatrists.

Colonial Psychiatry

Modernization of Korean Psychiatry

Dynamic Psychiatry in Korea

Psychiatric Research in Korea

Care of Chronic Mentally Ⅲ

Korean Psychiatry Tomorrow

