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KCI등재 학술저널

교통사고후 정신과로 장애감정 의뢰된 환자의 임상적 특징

Clinical Characteristics of the Casualties Referred from the Court for Mental Disability Evaluation after Traffic Accident

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1994년 1월부터 1996년 12월까지 3년간에 걸쳐 교통사고후 법원으로부터 장애감정 의뢰되어, 부산대학 교병원 정신과에서 정신장애감정을 받았던 88명의 환자를 대상으로 임상적 특징을 조사하였던 바, 그 결과 를 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있었다. 1) 대상 환자 88명 가운데 58명(65.9%)이 남자, 30명(34.1%)이 여자였다. 낮은 교육과 사회경제적 수 준을 가진 환자가 많았으며, 21세에서 50세까지의 사회 활동층이 과반수를 넘었다. 2) 수상당시 환자의 71.6%에서 뇌좌상이 있었고, 다음으로 두개골 골절(36.4%), 뇌출혈(33.0%), 뇌혈 종(26.1%), 뇌진탕(12.6%), 축삭손상(10.2%) 등이 있었으며, 대상 환자의 9.1%에서는 뇌손상의 증거가 없었다. 3) 환자나 환자의 보호자가 주관적으로 호소하는 자각적 증상은 인지증상이 가장 많아 전체 대상 환자의 85.2%에서 있었고, 다음으로 신체증상(83.0%), 행동증상(69.3%), 정서증상(58.0%) 순이었던 반면에, 감 정의가 판단한 타각적 증상은 정서증상(80.7%)이 가장 많았고, 다음으로 행동증상(77.3%), 인지증상 (63.6%), 신체증상(40.9%) 순이었다. 4) 대상 환자의 48.8%에서 수상후 1개월과 6개월 사이에 정신의학적 증상이 발현하였고, 6개월 이후에 나타난 경우는 9.1%에 불과하였다. 또한, 대상 환자의 61.4%에서는 증상이 있음에도 불구하고 감정당시까 지 정신의학적 치료를 받은 적이 없었고, 정신의학적 치료를 받았던 환자의 23.5%에서는 증상 발현 후 6개 월이 경과한 뒤에야 치료를 받았다. 5) 감정시 모든 대상 환자에서 뇌영상검사와 뇌파검사가 실시되었고, 이들 가운데 47.7%에서 비정상적인 뇌영상 소견을 보였다. 이상소견으로서는 뇌연화증이 가장 많았고, 다음으로 뇌위축, 축삭손상, 낭종 등의 순 이었다. 뇌파는 환자의 86.4%에서 정상소견을 보였고, 뇌파 소견과 뇌영상 소견간에는 유의한 상관관계가 6) 감정당시 대상 환자의 95.5%에서 최종적으로 정신장애가 확인되었고, 이중 두부외상에 의한 인격변 화가 가장 많았으며, 다음으로 두부외상에 의한 치매, 적응장애, 두부외상에 의한 우울장애, 뇌진탕후 장애, 외상후 스트레스 장애 등의 순으로 많았다. 정신장애가 확인되었던 환자의 38.1%에서는 추후 계속적인 정 신의학적 치료의 필요성이 인정되었다. 7) 외상 후유증으로 인한 지능의 변화 정도에 있어서 두부외상 관련인자 유무간에 차이가 있는지를 알아 본 결과, 수상당시의 의식소실 유무간이나 외상후 섬망 유무간에는 차이가 있었고, 감정당시 실시되었던 뇌 영상검사상의 이상소견 유무간에도 차이가 있었다. 있었다.

In an attempt to obtain the basic data for mental disability evaluation in psychiatric casualties by traffic accidents, 88 cases referred from the court for the purpose of mental disability evaluation for 3 years from 1994 to 1996 were surveyed. The results are summarized as follows: 1) Among the 88 cases, 58 cases(65.9%) were male and 30(34.1%) were female. Cases with low educational and socioeconomic levels outnumbered those with high educational and socioeconomic levels. More than half of the cases were in socially active group with ages of 21 to 50 years. 2) At the time of accidents, 71.6% of the whole cases were diagnosed as cerebral contusion, which was the most common diagnosis. The next common diagnoses were skull fracture(36.4%), brain hemorrhage(33.0%), brain hematoma(26.1%), cerebral concussion(12.6%), and axonal injury(10.2%) in order of frequency. In 9.1% of the cases there was no definite evidence of head injury was found. 3) During the period of mental disability evaluation, the most common symptom was cognitive symptom(85.2%), and the next common symptoms were somatic(83.0%), behavioral(69.3%), and affective(58.0%) ones in order of frequency. On the other side, the most common psychopathology recognized by the psychiatrists was affective symptom, which was present in 80.9% of the cases manifested during the period of evaluation, and the next common psychopathologies were behavioral(77.3%), cognitive(63.6%), and somatic(40.9%) symptoms in order of frequency. 4) Nearly half(48.8%) of the whole patients manifested psychiatric symptoms such as cognitive, affective, behavioral, and somatic symptoms between the first and sixth months after traffic accidents. Only 9.1% of the cases developed psychiatric symptoms after six months of traffic accidents. Meanwhile, 61.4% of the cases were never given psychiatric treatments despite the presence of psychiatric symptoms, and 23.5% of the cases given psychiatric treatments visited psychiatrists after six months of symptom development. 5) All of the cases took neuroimaging studies such as brain CT or MRI and EEG during the period of mental disability evaluation. In 47.7% of the cases there were abnormal findings in neuroimaging studies among which encephalomalacia was the most frequent. The next abnormal findings were brain atrophy, axonal injury, cyst, and so on in order of frequency. On the other hand, in 86.4% of the cases EEG findings were within normal limit. 6) In 95.5% of the cases, mental disorders were confirmed, among which personality change due to head trauma was the most common, and the next common mental disorders were dementia due to head trauma, adjustment disorder, depressive disorder due to head trauma, postconcussional disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and so on in order of frequency. More than one third of the cases(38.1%) given psychiatric diagnoses were considered to need continuous psychiatric treatments at the time of mental disability evaluation. 7). Posttraumatic decline in intelligence tended to be affected by loss of consciousness and delirium, but not by skull fracture and brain surgery. In brain imaging and EEG studies performed during the period of mental disability evaluation, posttraumatic decrease in intelligence tended to be influenced by abnormal findings on brain imaging, but not EEG findings

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