This study was designed to examine the mianserin effects on the negative symptoms of chronic schizophrenia. The chronic schizophrenics(N=14) diagnosed by DSM-III-R, who were treated at the Catholic University St. Mary Hospital from March 1, 1993 to August 31, 1995, were divided into two groups. One group was composed of 7 patients who were treated with a single classical antipsychotic agent(monotherapy group, MG), and another was composed of 7 patients treated with combined medications(combined therapy gorup, CG), including classical antipsychotics plus fixed dose of mianserin 30mg/day at bed time. Symptoms were evaluated by BPRS(Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale) and PANSS(Positive and Negative Syndorme Scale) biweekly for 6weeks, i.e., total 4times(at baseline, at 2weeks, at 4weeks, and at 6weeks). The results were as follows: 1) Assessed by PANSS, the negative symptoms of CG were statistically significantly improved more than those of MG at 2weeks, at 4weeks, and at 6weeks. 2) Assessed by PANSS, the positive symptoms of CG were not statistically different from those of MG. In both of CG and MG, there was no difference of the positive symptoms across time intervals. 3) Assessed by PANSS, the total symptoms of CG were statistically significantly improved more than those of MG at 2weeks, at 4weeks, and at 6weeks. But, assessed by BPRS, the total symptoms of CG were not statistically different from those of MG. 4) Assessed by PANSS, the general psychopathology symptoms of CG were not statistically different from those of MG. In CG, the general psychopathology symptoms at 6weeks were statistically significantly improved more than those of baseline. In summary, mianserin, when combined with classical antipsychotic agent, appears to be effective in diminishing negative symptoms of chronic schizophrenic patients. However, it did not influence positive symptoms.
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