It is anticipated that mass refugees from North Korea can happen in the process of Korean reunification. In this paper, the author reviewed the adaptational and mental health problems of refugees, especially Indochinese refugees, and discussed several topics which could be problems of Korea. Great adaptational differences between social classes in Vietnamese refugees were noted, therefore it is suggested that different resocialization program should be prepared for each social class of North Korea. General problems of refugees are found to be broken family problems, conflict in family due to role conversion, attitude of mass media in dealing with refugees, problems of education for living and difficulties with establishing the effective helping system. Therefore, in the resocialization program, the above problems besides economic support should be considered in Korea. Also, refugees were reported to have severe mental problems especially depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, dissociation, etc. And refugees usually are afraid of expressing their psychiatric problems and meeting with psychiatrists. South Korean psychiatrists should know about the characteristics of North Korean people and develop adequate approaching and interviewing techniques and treatment plan. As the South and North Korea have had very different systems for 50 years, it should be very difficult and important to make the two people adapt and harmonize in new unified society.
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