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KCI등재 학술저널

만성 정신분열병 환자에서 전산화 인지재활프로그램 (REHACOM)을 이용한 주의력 훈련의 효과

The Effect of Attention Training Using Computer-Aided Cognitive Rehabilitation Program(REHACOM) in Chronic Schizophrenics

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Objective:The amthors study evaluated the effect of a cognitive rehabilitation program designed to enhance the attention skill of chronic schizophrenics. Methods:Dependent variables included measures of perceptual sensitivity and response criterion derived from the Vigilance test of Vienna test system. Each of 10 subjects received 10 sessions of repeated training with computeraided cognitive rehabilitation program(REHACOM). Eleven subjects were assigned to a control group. All subjects were rated on measures of positive and negative symptoms before training. Results:Significant changes on the outcome measures were observed following attention training. Conclusion:It is suggested that cognitive rehabilitation with chronic schizophrenics should stress the possibility of remediating deficiencies in basic abilities, such as attention.

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