최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

흡연 학생을 위한 지역사회 청소년 약물남용 프로그램의 효과

Effect of Community Based Adolescent Drug Abuse Program for Smoking Students

  • 23

This study was designed to suggest community-based adolescent drug abuse program model to prevent, treat and rehabilitate the adolescent drug abusers, which works by cooperation between community hospitals and schools, by proving the effectiveness of community-based adolescent drug abuse problem for adolescent smoking students since smoking is one of the most common adolescent abuse problems in the community. To gain the basic data for proving the effect of community drug abuse program for adolescent smoking students, one male high school was selected as the studying school located in Seong Nam city. Among this high school students 146 students were selected randomly to investigate drug abuse status of this school. The experimental group was 33 students who participate in community-based drug abuse problem and the control group was 24 students who were selected randomly among the 60 smoking students who participated in investigating the drug abuse status in the studying school. The both experimental group and control group were reinvestigated of the drug abuse status eight months after completion of community-based drug abuse program, and change during this period was analysed with χ2 -test and t-test. The results and conclusions were as follows. 1) The smoking onset time was ranged mostly from senior in middle school to freshmen in high school and the most students smoked already habitually when they were freshmen in high school. 80% of smoking students had tried to quit smoking more than one time and 20% had tried to quit smoking more than six times and failed. This data suggest that the smoking prevention program must be started as soon as possible for effectiveness of adolescent drug abuse program just before many students start smoking and the smoking cessation program for smoking students is needed desperately. 2) The the community-based drug abuse program for smoking students was effective. The smoking students who participate in drug abuse program(experimental group) showed 19.2% decline of recent one month smoking rates eight months after completion of the program, but the smoking students who did not participate in drug abuse program(control group) showed 22.6% incline of recent one month smoking rates. In the experimental group, the Fagerstrom’s nicotine dependance score and recent one month drinking rates showed no differance between initial and 8 month follow-up investigatement, but in the control group, the Fagerstrom’s nicotine dependence scores were increased significantly from 1.80 to 3.43 and recent one month drinking rates showed 18.1% incline after 8 month follow-up periods. 3) The smoking students who participate in drug abuse program has less school problems and increased family functioning and decreasing tendency of friends problems but less knowledge about cigarettes and more permissive in attitude to smoking after eight months follow-up period. These results suggest that students who participated in community-based drug abuse program experienced reduction of stress, which results in decline of smoking rates. Therefore, I think that the drug abuse program which deals with the psychological and emotional problems of adolescents is needed as much as direct education about the harmful effect of cigarettes in adolescent drug abuse program for smoking students.

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