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KCI등재 학술저널

[資料紹介] 한양대학교박물관 소장 丁學敎 筆 〈怪石圖〉

Study on Oddly Shaped Rock Painting of Jeong Hak Kyo at Hanyang University Museum

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丁學敎(1832~1914)는 조선 말기에서 근대로 변화하는 시기에 새로운 경향을 화폭에 담아낸 여항문인 화가로 竹石圖, 怪石圖등 문인화가들이 즐겨 그린 畵目을 많이 그렸다. 특히 괴석도에 능해 담백하면서도 섬세한 필치로 바위의 특성을 예리하게 포착하여 묘사한 것으로 평가받는다. 한양대학교박물관 소장 〈怪石圖〉屛風은 1979년 이활 선생이 한양대학교에 기증한 것으로 이제까지 작품자체에 대한 면밀한 연구는 없었으며, 소략한 도판의 소개 정도만 이루어졌을 뿐이다. 이작품은 이제까지 정학교의 1897년 이후의 후기작으로 분류되던 작품이었으나, 제발의 해석을 통해 1877년 겨울에 그린 비교적 초기작임이 확인된다. 조선말기의 회화는 중국 청대 화단과 밀접한 관련성을 지니고 있으며, 정학교 또한 淸代揚州畵派 및 海上畵派의 회화와 중국의 畵譜로부터 많은 영향을 받은 것으로 추정되는데, 중국의 眞蹟이 구하기 어려웠던 당시 상황에서 실제 청대의 회화 작품보다는 화보가 더욱 큰 참조의 대상이 되었던 것으로 보인다. 정학교의 경우 현재까지『顧氏畵譜』, 『芥子園畵傳』, 『齋畵勝』등과의 관련성만이 언급되어왔지만, 한양대학교박물관 소장 〈괴석도〉의 경우 石譜의 효시이자, 원조격인『素園石譜』와 밀접한 관련성을 지니고 있는 것으로 추정된다. 또한 수묵기법으로만 제작하거나, 마치 형이상학적 괴체를 표현해 놓은 것 같은 후기의 여타 작품들과 달리 담채를 이용한 점, 그리고 괴석을 사실적으로 묘사한 점 등도 한양대학교박물관 소장 〈괴석도〉의 특징으로 정학교 괴석도의 초기적인 특징을 반영하는 것으로 생각된다.

Jeong Hak Kyo(1832-1914) was a painter of Yeo-hang literary men who drew pictures showing new trends during the period between the late Joseon and modern Korea, especially famous for drawing original oddly shaped paintings. His family clan was Naju, his alias was Hak Kyo, and Ja was Hwa Kyung. His pseudonym (Ho) included Hyang Su, Mong In, and Mong Jung Mong In. Thought not clear, he might take up a public office as a country headman (the fourth degree of Jong). He was good at calligraphic styles including Jeon, Ye, Hang, and Cho, and drew mainly plants and trees such as bamboo-and-rock or oddly-shaped rock paintings, which were frequently drawn by literary-man painters. Jeong’s paintings are assessed to sharply capture and describe the characteristics of rocks with bland but detailed style. Oddly Shaped Rock of the Hanyang University Museum was donated by Lee Hwal in 1979 no detailed research has been conducted for the painting, except for short description for its artwork. The painting had been classified as one of Jeong’s later works after 1897, but it was verified to be painted in the summer of 1877 and be his relatively earlier one, by interpretation of Je Bal. Paintings in late Joseon Dynasty were closely related to painting circles of Qing Dynasty. Jeong Hak Kyo was also estimated to be affected mainly by paintings of Yang Ju and Hae Sang circles, as well as Chinese art books. Given that actual works of China were hard to be received at that time, he might refer rather the art books than real Qing paintings. As for Jeong, only his association with Ko-si-hwa-bo, Kaeja-won-hwa-jeon, and In-jae-hwa-seung has been considered, but his Oddly Shaped Rock of the Hanyang University Museum is estimated to be the beginning of Seok-bo and to be closely related to Sowon-seok-bo as one of the first Seok-bos. Also, Oddly Shaped Rock of the Hanyang University Museum is characteristic in that it was used of thin coloring unlike his other works painted only by inking and that it described oddly-shaped rocks realistically unlike his other works in which such rocks were described as metaphysically weird things. Such characteristics are considered to reflect early properties of his oddly shaped rock paintings.


Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 〈怪石圖〉의 현상과 제작배경

Ⅲ. 〈怪石圖〉의 양식적 특징

Ⅳ. 맺음말


