최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

Ethanol 급성투여(急性投與)가 흰쥐의 혈압(血壓)과 신기능(腎機能)에 미치는 영향(影響)

Acute Effects of Ethanol on Blood Pressure and Renal Function in Rat

Ethanol 투여(投與) 용량(容量)에 따른 혈압(血壓)과 신기능(腎機能)의 변화(變化)를 알아보고자 흰쥐의 복부대동맥(腹部大動脈)에 catheter 를 삽입(揷入)하고 그 다른 끝을 목뒤로 끌어낸 후(後) 1주일(週日)이상 수술(手術)에서 회복(恢復)시킨 다음 실험(實驗)에 사용(使用)하였다. 실험직전(實驗直前)에 방광(膀胱)을 비운 뒤 metabolism cage에 넣어 안정(安靜)시킨 후(後) 60분(分)에 복부대동맥(腹部大動脈)의 catheter를 통(通)하여 평균동맥혈압(平均動脈血壓)(MAP)을 직접(直接) 측정(測定)하고 동맥혈액(動脈血液)과 뇨(尿)를 채취(採取)하였다. 곧 이어 ethanol 은 10 g% (저농도(低濃度)), 또는 30 g% (고농도(高濃度)) 용액(溶液)을, 대조실험(對照實驗)으로는 물을, 체중(體重) 100 g 당(當) 1 ml 씩 각각(各各) 경구(經口) 투여(投與)하였다. 용액투여후(溶液投與後) 3시간(時間)동안 MAP를 측정(測定)하고, 혈액(血液)은 매(每) 시간(時間)마다, 뇨(尿)는 90분(分) 간격(間隔)으로 채취(採取)하여 다음의 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 혈중(血中) ethanol 농도(濃度)는 ethanol 투여후(投與後) 1시간(時間)에 최고치(最高値)를 나타내고 (저농도(低濃度); 105.0±7.5, 고농도(高濃度); 214.7±20.2 mg%), 그후 직선적(直線的)으로 감소(減少)하였다. MAP는 물투여군(投與群)에서는 변화(變化)가 없었으나 ethanol 투여군(投與群)에서는 15분(分)부터 감소(減少)하기 시작(始作)하여 3시간(時間)동안 계속유의(繼續有意)하게 감소(減少)된 상웅(狀熊)를 나타내었다. 뇨량(尿量)은 ethanol 투여군(投與群)에서는 90분(分)동안에 유의(有意)한 증가(增加)를 보여주었고 (저농도(低濃度); 0.88±0.20→1.04±0.22, 고농도(高濃度); 0.56±0.11→1.35±0.18 ml/1.5 hr), 180분(分)동안에는 뇨량(尿量)이 ethanol 투여전(投與前)보다 더 낮았다(저농도(低濃度); 0.25±0.06, 고농도(高濃度); 0.22±0.06 ml/1.5 hr). 물투여군(投與群)에서는 뇨량(尿量)이 계속(繼續) 감소(減少)하였다(0.88±0.10→0.59±0.09→0.45±0.09 ml/1.5 hr). 이상(以上)의 결과(結果)는 ethanol의 혈중농도(血中濃度)가 높을수록 더 심(甚)한 혈압강하작용(血壓降下作用)을 나타내며, ethanol 로 인(因)한 이뇨작용(利尿作用)도 ethanol 량(量)이 증가(增加)함에 따라 뇨량(尿量)도 증가(增加)함을 보여 주었다.

In order to determine the dose-response relationship of ethanol on blood pressure and renal function, 2 doses of ethanol were intubated into albino rats. For a direct measurement of arterial blood pressure, a polyethylene catheter(PE 10) was implanted in the abdominal aorta, and the other end of the catheter was pulled out of the back of the neck. The experiment was conducted after the rats recovered from the surgery. After emptying their bladders, the rats were placed in a metabolism cage. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) was measured and arterial blood samples were collected through the catheter. Following the collection of the control urine sample, 1 ml of 10 g% (low dose), or 30 g% (high dose) of ethanol/100 g BW was intubated. 1 ml of water/100 g BW was intubated into the control group. MAP and blood samples were taken every hour, and urine samples were collected every 90 min for 3 hours. Blood alcohol concentrations reached a peak at 1 hour (low dose: 105.0±7.5, high dose: 214.7±20.2 mg%) and decreased linearly thereafter. Following alcohol ingestion, MAP began to decrease at 15 min and remained at a significantly low level thoughout the 3 hours experimental period(low dose: 112±2→102±4, high dose: 117±2→100±8 mmHg). Urine Flow increased markedly during the first 90 min of ethanol ingestion (low dose: 0.88±0.20→1.04±0.22, high dose: 0.56±0.11→1.35±0.18 ml/1.5 hr) and decreased during the second 90 min period(low dose: 0.25±0.06, high dose: 0.22±0.06 ml/1.5 hr). Urine flow of the control group decreased gradually during the experiment (0.88±0.10{\longrightarrow}0.59±0.09→0.45±0.09 ml/1.5 hr). These results indicate that the blood-pressure-lowering and diuretic effects of ethanol are dose-related: higher doses of ethanol produce a greater decrease in blood pressure and greater diuresis.
