Excitatory Influences of Noradrenaline on the Spontaneous Contractions and Electrical Activity of Antral Circular Muscle of the Guinea-pig Stomach
Excitatory Influences of Noradrenaline on the Spontaneous Contractions and Electrical Activity of Antral Circular Muscle of the Guinea-pig Stomach
The effects of noradrenaline on the spontaneous contraction recorded from a strip of mucosa-free antral circular muscle were studied in the guinea-pig stomach, and the changes in slow waves and membrane resistance were analyzed in order to elucidate the mechanism for the excitatory response to noradrenaline. Electrical responses of circular muscle cells were recorded using glass microelectrodes filled with 3 M KCI. Electrotonic potentials were produced to estimate membrane resistance by the partition stimulating method. All experiments were performed in tris-buffered Tyrode solution which was aerated with 100% O<sub>2</sub> and kept at 35℃. The results obtained were as follows: 1) The spontaneous contractions were potentiated dose-dependently by the application of noradrenaline. 2) Through the experiments using adrenoceptor-blockers, the strong excitatory effect via α-adrenoceptors and the weak inhibitory efffect via β-adrenoceptors were noted. 3) Noradrenaline produced hyperpolarization of membrane potential, and increases in the amplitude and the maximum rate of rise of slow waves. 4) In the presence of apamin, Ca-dependent K channel blocker, the characteristic hyperpolarization was not developed. However, the excitatory effect of noradrenaline on spontaneous contraction remained. 5) Membrane resistance was reduced during the hyperpolarized state by the application of noradrenaline, and the change of membrane resistance and the hyperpolarized state were completely abolished by apamin. From the above results, following conclusions could be made: Excitatory responses to noradrenaline result from the dominant α-excitatory, and the weak β-inhibitory action of noradrenaline. Hyperpolarization of membrane potential by noradrenaline is due to the activation of Ca-dependent K channel.