커버이미지 없음
下顎管이 近接한 下顎左側 回復症例
- 대한치과이식임플란트학회
- Journal of Dental Implant Research
- 제3권 제1호
- 1982.12
- 37 - 43 (7 pages)
In evaluating the current status of oral implantology, there is frequent reference to the words success and failure. Although there have been reports of failures, there are also many reports of long term retention of dental implant. Ultimate success is dependent upon the choice of implant and prosthetic superstructure, the insertion of a dental implant, and the design and function of the prosthetic appliance. The authors have practiced fixed bridge work after the F.D.B.I.on the lower left free end. saddle area in which mandibular canal is near the alveolar creat instead of the removable partial dentaure. The result have proved to be successful.
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 증 례
Ⅲ. 치료계획과 시술전 준비
Ⅳ. Blade 식립수술
Ⅴ. 경과 및 보철
Ⅵ. 고 찰
Ⅶ. 결 론