In recent years, several high-profile cases related with misconduct by doctors and medical students have led to increased media interest and public concern regarding doctors who fail to maintain the expected professional standards. In response to these concerns and the increasing awareness of the social responsibility of medicine, the importance of professionalism in medical school is receiving renewed attention in our medical society. Many studies in other countries have stressed the early detection and intervention of unprofessional behaviors in medical students using an adequate evaluation system. The authors intended to explore strategies that reinforce professionalism education and prevent misconduct in medical students. We conducted an extensive literature review to identify patterns and categorize issues of misconduct and unprofessional behavior by medical students; existing evidence to determine why early detection and intervention of are crucial to prevent future misbehavior and disciplinary action by doctors; and education and evaluation systems to enhance professionalism for medical students.
프로페셔널리즘과 부적절행위
의과대학생의 부적절행위의 유형
의대생의 부적절행위 예방 교육 및 시스템