최근 검색어 전체 삭제

전문의 고시에서 표준화 환자를 이용한 진료 수행 시험의 경험: 3개 연도 신경과 전문의 시험 결과 분석을 바탕으로

Clinical Performance Examination Utilizing Standardized Patients in Board Examination: Based on the Board Examination of Korean Neurological Association for Three Years

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Purpose: Evaluation of clinical skills and attitude including development of dynamic patient-doctor relationship is important in board examination (BE). Korean Neurological Association (KNA) has introduced clinical performance examination (CPX) utilizing standardized patients (SP) to BE in 2007. In this study, the authors describe the 3-year experience of CPX in BE through 2009. Methods: To implement CPX session in BE, KNA developed CPX workshop for BE attendees and members of grading committee. CPX sessions in BE consisted of two model scenarios mimicking neurological patients in clinical practice. The total score and itemized scores of CPX sessions were compared with other areas of BE, and scores from each year were also compared. Results: Scores from CPX sessions were significantly correlated with BE step II. Among the itemized scores of CPX sessions, clinical items including history taking and physical examination were significantly correlated with scores from other areas of BE. However, scores from global assessment from SP were strongly associated with patient-doctor relationship, history taking, and patient education. Conclusion: Our experiences suggest that CPX utilizing SP is a useful tool to assess the clinical skills in BE. In order to produce clinically well qualified neurologists, more efforts should be made to develop cases and to improve assessment tools for CPX.


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