In the United Kingdom, 4‐year graduate‐only medical education programmes (Graduate Entry Programme, GEP) started in 2000, and are running in 16 medical schools with over 800 students annually. This study presents the grounds for introduction of the GEP, and explores its benefits in increasing the medical workforce and widening participation in medical education. An increase in medical student numbers was proposed to cope with the pressing shortage of British doctors and the growing demand for doctors, and the GEP was introduced as a flexible and cost‐effective way to meet this demand. It has contributed to increasing the diversity of students in medical schools and widening access to students from more varied social and educational backgrounds. In the United Kingdom, the GEP was established as a supplementary means of providing medical education, and it is unlikely to totally replace traditional 5- or 6-year programmes.
영국의 GEP 도입과정
GEP에 대한 평가 및 향후전망