최근 검색어 전체 삭제

온라인 학생 강의평가에 대한 경험과 고찰

Experience and Consideration on Online Course Evaluation by Medical Students

  • 33

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to present our thoughts on the medical student evaluation of the courses via online at Konkuk University School of Medicine (KUSM) and to prompt us to improve the course evaluation system. Methods: Electronic questionnaire for computer-aided course evaluation via online was completed by 93 medical students who attended 32 block lectures at KUSM in 2007. The questionnaire consisted of 21 evaluation items. Frequency analysis of response on the evaluation items was conducted to find out the key features. Results: Evaluation forms for 32 lectures were received from the attendees via online. An average response rate was 63.8%. Among 17 Likert-scaled items, more negative response was observed in class quantity, studying method guidance, lecture note, teaching methods, and relevance of final examination. Conclusion: The current course evaluation at KUSM includes more questions that request students to state the overall quality of course modules than the detailed quality or skill of each lecturer. As the objective of the course evaluation is to promote students learning and to give a feedback to the lecturer, the current consideration on the course evaluation prompted us to reorganize the design of the questionnaire according to the objective.


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