Evaluation of the Quality of Beef Patties Formulated with Dried Pumpkin Pulp and Seed
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제38권 제1호
- 2018.02
- 1 - 13 (13 pages)
The objective of this study was to investigate quality attributes of beef patties formulated with dried pumpkin pulp and seed mixture (PM). Four different meatball formulations were prepared where lean was replaced with PM as C (0% PM), P2 (2% PM), P3 (3% PM) and P5 (5% PM). Utilization of PM decreased moisture and increased ash content of the patties. Incorporation of 5% PM (P5) increased the pH value of both uncooked and cooked patties compared to C group. Increasing levels of PM increased water-holding capacity. No significant differences were found in cooking yield and diameter change with the addition of PM. Incorporation of PM increased fat and decreased moisture retention of the samples. a* values were decreased with PM addition, where L* values did not differ among treatments and b* values were similar in C, P3 and P5 samples. Textural properties were mostly equivalent to control samples with the incorporation of PM even at higher concentrations. The addition of PM did not significantly affect any of the sensory scores tested. These results indicated that utilization of PM presents the opportunity to decrease the amount of meat besides to improve healthier profile without causing negative changes in physical, chemical and technological quality of beef patties.
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion