Emerging Innovations to Reduce the Salt Content in Cheese; Effects of Salt on Flavor, Texture, and Shelf Life of Cheese; and Current Salt Usage: A Review
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제37권 제6호
- 2017.12
- 793 - 798 (6 pages)
Salt is an essential ingredient for cheese production, and it influences various aspects of cheese, including the shelf life, enzyme activity, flavor, casein hydration, and microbial proliferation during ripening. Several consumers avoid cheese with high salt content, mainly due to health problems such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease (CVD), stroke, and heart attacks. Salt has been commonly used for several purposes in cheese production, including for obtaining the required flavor and texture, for its preservative properties, and as a taste enhancer. However, salt usage has been opposed by the public and governmental bodies, who have been advised by health authorities that salt should be reduced or avoided in cheese for healthier life. However, salt replacement or reduction in cheese manufacturing requires formulation of intensive strategies. This review provides information about several strategies and innovations for reduction and replacement of salt in cheese manufacturing without seriously affecting the quality, microbial safety, and sensory properties of cheeses.
Roles of salt in cheese
Strategies and emerging technologies in
formulation of salt-reduced cheeses