Bovine Plasma 첨가에 따른 Vienna Sausage 의 물성변화
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제20권 제4호
- 2000.12
- 264 - 271 (8 pages)
Experiments were carried out to investigate the rheological properties of vienna sausage by addition levels along with meat replacer contents. Cooking yield was ranked with control>D-l>D-2>D-3 in the range of 81.60-84.88%, The state of partial structure weaken was higher in difference group along with the usage level of bovine plasma protein, the influence due to cooking implements was ranked with boiled>microwave>fried. We could saw the attentional difference of gel strength and hardness as the storage days, and between vertical and horizontal check, and between control group and difference group. L value was shown stability due to samples and storage days too, and the a value was shown reduction in difference group and control group, but the stored samples of 10 days, 40 days were shown increased. b value was shown near level among samples, but was reduced along with the days of storage. On the acceptability of panel color, taste, flavor and texture was shown difference among samples and those qualities along with storage days were decreased short, and on the whole acceptability, the D-2 group after 10 days and the control group after 40 days was highest mark in control with initial samples.