바위자고새의 육질 특성
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제22권 제2호
- 2002.06
- 103 - 107 (5 pages)
This study was carried out to investigate the quality of chukar partridge meat. Chukar partridges raised for 60 days were slaughtered and stored at 3℃ for 24 hr. Broiler chicken(800g±20g carcass weight) after 24 hr postmortem were used as control, which obtained from local slaughter house. The chukar partridge meat had lower fat and cholesterol contents than broiler chicken did. The color of chukar partridge meat showed redder and darker than that of broiler chicken owing to lower L^* and a^* value. According to sensory evaluation, the flavor of chukar partridge meat was significantly better than that of broiler chicken. In conclusion, chukar partridge meat can be a preferable muscle food as well as a health food for consumer. Further, the development of cooking method must be improved meat quality characteristics in chukar partridge because the thigh of chukar partridge has tough texture and dark color.