난각막 분해물의 식품 소재로서 기능적 특성
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제22권 제3호
- 2002.09
- 267 - 273 (7 pages)
The functional properties of egg shell membrane hydrolysate by Bacillus licheniformis(EESMH) and NaOH-ethanol(AESMH) as a food material were investigate.. The yield of egg shell membrane hydrolysate was about 15% by Bacillus licheniformis, whereas that was 70% by NaOH-ethanol. Histidine content was higher in EESMH (18.69%) than in AESMH (2.56%). Both EESMH and AESMH showed high protein solubility (>95%). Emulsifying activity and stability of EESMH were higher than those of AESMH. Foaming capacity and stability of AESMH were 2 times higher than those of EESMH in the pH ranges from 2 to 12. The AESMH had antioxidative activity whereas EESMH had not. Therefore, both AESMH and EESMH can be used for industrial food materials from the results of functional properties.