카레분 및 향신료 추출물의 항 돌연변이 효과
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제22권 제4호
- 2002.12
- 352 - 357 (6 pages)
Antimutagenic effects of extracts from curry powder and its individual fourteen kinds of spices, were investigated by Ames test. The antimutagenic effects against a direct mutagen, 2-nitrofluorene(2-NF), and two indirect mutagens, 2-anthramine(2-AT) and 2-acetamidofluorene (2-AF) in the S. typhimurium TA98 were tested. For the 2-NF, the antimutagenicity of cinnamon, feungreek, fennel, ginger, clove, turmeric and celery seed were determined as 42, 38, 32, 28, 24, 23 and 20%, respectively. The antimutagenicity of clove against the 2-AT was the highest (116%), and followed by the order of celery seed (103%), cardamon (100%), red pepper (99%), cinnamon(92%), cumin(83%), ginger(82%), fennel(82%), coriander (71%), nutmeg(68%) and turmeric (55%). The results also showed that the antimutagenic effect of clove against the 2-AF was superior to other spices. In case of curry powder among more than 10 kinds of spices, the antimutagenenicity against the 2-AT and 2-AF showed 23% and 6%, respectively, but no effect was observed against the 2-NF.