최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

쑥 분말 첨가와 도체등급이 돈육 패티(Patty)의 품질에 미치는 영향

  • 12

This study was carried out to investigate the effect of addition of mugwort powder and carcass grade on the quality characteristics of pork patty. Pork patties prepared from A patty(grade B pork patty), B patty(grade B pork patty containing mugwort powder), C patty(grade E pork patty) and D patty(grade E pork patty containing mugwort powder). The chemical composition, calorie, residual nitrite, surface color, textural properties, water holding capacity and sensory evaluation were evaluated. Moisture contents(%) were not different among patties, and crude fat(%) and calorie values of patties prepared from grade B pork meat were higher than whose of patties prepared from grade E pork meat. Crude ash contents(%) were not different among patties, and residual nitrite contents(ppm) of patties containing mugwort powder were lower than those of patties without mugwort powder. Hunter L and b values of patties prepared from grade B pork meat were higher than those of patties prepared from grade E pork meat, and Hunters a values of patties prepared from grade E pork meat were higher than those of patties prepared from grade B pork meat. Hardness, cohesiveness and chewiness values of patties prepared from grade B pork meat were lower than those of patties prepared from grade E pork meat. Aroma, taste, texture, juiciness, color and palatability values were not different among patties.
