쑥 분말 첨가와 도체등급이 돈육 패티(Patty)의 품질에 미치는 영향
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제23권 제2호
- 2003.06
- 97 - 102 (6 pages)
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of addition of mugwort powder and carcass grade on the quality characteristics of pork patty. Pork patties prepared from A patty(grade B pork patty), B patty(grade B pork patty containing mugwort powder), C patty(grade E pork patty) and D patty(grade E pork patty containing mugwort powder). The chemical composition, calorie, residual nitrite, surface color, textural properties, water holding capacity and sensory evaluation were evaluated. Moisture contents(%) were not different among patties, and crude fat(%) and calorie values of patties prepared from grade B pork meat were higher than whose of patties prepared from grade E pork meat. Crude ash contents(%) were not different among patties, and residual nitrite contents(ppm) of patties containing mugwort powder were lower than those of patties without mugwort powder. Hunter L and b values of patties prepared from grade B pork meat were higher than those of patties prepared from grade E pork meat, and Hunters a values of patties prepared from grade E pork meat were higher than those of patties prepared from grade B pork meat. Hardness, cohesiveness and chewiness values of patties prepared from grade B pork meat were lower than those of patties prepared from grade E pork meat. Aroma, taste, texture, juiciness, color and palatability values were not different among patties.