최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

초유로부터 분리,정제된 IGFs의 안전성 평가에 관한 연구

  • 6

This study was carried out to investigate safety evaluation of IGFs separated and refined from bovine milk and commercial recombinant human IGFs. In order to evaluate toxicity of these samples, acute toxicity test and short term toxicity test were investigated with IGF-I separated and refined from colostrum and commercial recombinant human IGF-I from R&D systems company. For acute toxicity test, we selected recombinant human IGF-I from R&D systems company and establish one control group and three dose-level groups(0, 10, 20 and 50μg/day per rat). We have intravenously injected tail of rats with selected sample once. After 20 days, pathological cellular tissue analyses were investigated with liver, kidney and spleen of 12 rats in all test groups. However, Morbid tissue and abnormal statistical results were not discovered in all cellular tissues. For short term toxicity test, we selected IGF-I separated and refined from colostrum and establish one control group and three dose-level groups(0, 5, 10, 15 μg/day per rat). Rats were orally injected with selected sample once a day during two weeks. After short term toxicity test period, Pathological cellular tissue analyses were investigate with liver, kidney and spleen of 12 rats in all test groups However, Morbid tissue and abnormal statistical results were not discovered in all cellular tissues. These results suggest that IGF-I treated groups show no significant toxicological findings with changes of body weight, food consumption, water consumption, and pathological finding compared with control groups.
