커버이미지 없음
식용유지 산화에 대한 프로폴리스(Propolis)별 항산화 효과
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제23권 제2호
- 2003.06
- 168 - 171 (4 pages)
The study was conducted to investigate the antioxidative effect of various extracted propolis. After addition of those extracts to soybean oil at the same level, their antioxidative effects were compared by Rancimat test. The control without added antioxidant showed the shortest Antioxidative Index(AI). The AI of the general Water Extracted Propolis(GWEP) and boiling WEP(BWEP) added to soybean oil were 4.51 and 5.02, respectively. The oxidation period in the BWEP was longer than the ascorbic acid and the GWEP. This result indicated that BWEP had more antioxifdative effect than GWEP.