최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

육계 도축시 전기실신 방법이 육질에 미치는 영향

  • 9

This study investigated the effect of different electrical stunning methods on pH, water holding capacity(WHC), cooking loss(CL), meat color and blood spot rate in broilers. One-hundred and forty broiler chickens were slaughtered by 50, 63 and 90 voltage with same electrical frequency(255 Hz) and stunning time(5 sec) in commercial abattoir. The ultimate pH of leg muscle and WHC of breast muscle decreased with increasing the stunning voltage. However, there were no significant differences in ultimate pH, WHC and CL of breast muscle, and ultimate pH of leg muscle. Lightness(L^(*)) and yollowness(b^(*)) values of leg muscle stunned with 90V, 255Hz, 5 sec were higher than those stunned with 50V, 255 Hz for 5 sec(p
