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수집 방법에 따른 한국인 모유의 미생물 분포에 관한 연구

  • 18

This study was carried out to evaluate the safety of Korean human milk. The microorganisms were identified from human milk. of 149 healthy mothers by two collection methods, hand and pump expression. The means of total bacterial counts were 2.33×10⁴ cfu/mL on the samples collected by the pump expression and 7.83×10³ cfu/mL on those collected by the hand expression. Therefore, the total bacterial counts of pump expression samples was 9.80×10²~3.06×10⁴cfu/mL more than that of hand expression samples. The coliform counts of pump expression was 9.36×10³~8.57×10⁴cfu/mL more than that of hand expression. However, there was any significant differences of the lactic acid bacterial counts between the two samples collected by each methods. 100 strains of 5 patterns of total bacterial counts were isolated based on the morphology of colony in the standard plate count agar. 13 species were identified among the isolated strains. The dominant species in Korean human milk were Staphylococcus which 7 subspecies identified(81% in the rate total bacteria, 1.07×10⁴cfu/mL). Other species identified were Micrococcus, Bacillus, Providencia, Pseudomonas, Yersinia and Acinetobacter. 36 strains of 6 patterns of lactic acid bacterial counts were isolated based on morphology of colony in the BCP agar. 7 species were identified among the isolated strains. The dominant species of lactic acid bacteria in Korean human milk were Lactobacillus brevis(50.9% in the rate of lactic acid bacteria, 4.72×10⁴cfu/mL). Others species identified(49.1% lactic acid bacteria) were Lactobacillus curvatus, Lactobucillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Leuconostic lacits and Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus.
