고에너지 수준의 사료급여가 돈육 품질에 미치는 영향
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제24권 제3호
- 2004.09
- 209 - 215 (7 pages)
In a trial involving 120 pigs, the growth performance of finishing pigs and proximate composition, physicochemical properites and fatty acid composition of loin muscle were investigated by feeding the high-energy density diet and low-energy density diet. The treatments included feeding 1) the low-energy density diet (3,290 cal/kg DE, 14.50% CP, 0.70% lysine and 0.78% Ca) for 38 days and 2) the hight-energy density diet (3,350 cal/kg ME, 15.0% CP, 0.70% lysine and 0.78% Ca) for 27 days. The average daily gains were significantly higher for pigs fed the high-energy density diet than those fed the low-energy density diet, but average daily feed intake and feed conversion rate were significantly lower than those fed the low-energy density diet (p