Evaluation of Fermented Food Wastes (FFW) as Feedstuffs on Meat Quality in Growing-Finishing Pigs
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제24권 제3호
- 2004.09
- 216 - 220 (5 pages)
To investigate the effect of feeding the fermented food wastes (FFW) on meat quality, twenty pigs produced from four treatments with different mixing rates of FFW [100% concentrate (control), 25% replacement with FFW (25% FFW), 50% replacement with FFW (50% FFW) and 100% fermented food wastes (100% FFW)] were slaughtered. Carcass characteristics were differentiated if FFW replacement rate was higher than 50%. The proximate compositions of hams and loins in control pigs were not different from (p>0.05) those of the FFW replacements, regardless of mixing rate of FFW replacement. Drip loss of pork loin increased (p0.05) when replaced with lower than 25% FFW. With replacing more than 50% FFW, redness values tended to be decreased, while yellowness values increased. Aerobic plate counts (APC) were rapidly increased 12 d for the control and 8 d for FFW replacement, and microbial stability seemed to be lowered when the rate of FFW replacement rate was more than 50%. These results indicated that the replacement of concentrate diets with FFW was still nutritious feedstuffs for pig diet, however, no more than 50% FFW replacement was recommended to have similar effect to those with the control (100% concentrate).