최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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저지방 기능성 발효소시지의 제조를 위한 복합 유산균주의 이용

  • 18

This study was performed to evaluate the physico-chemical properties of fermented sausages containing probiotic starter cultures (LK-30 plus, Lactobacillus plantarum 155 and 167, and Pediococcus damnosus L12) with reduced fat levels, and to determine the optimum condition for the manufacture of these products. Although low-fat fermented sausages were reduced fat content at the amount of 90% and the ripening time by 1-2 weeks, as compared to regular-fat counterpart, they became harder and had many winkles outside due to the extreme drying. In addition, fat level in fermented sausages affected the composition and shear force values. During ripening, pH, lightness and yellowness values tended to decrease, however, microbial counts of inoculated lactic acid bacteria were increased up to 108-109 cfu/g within 3 days and remained constant thereafter. Low-fat fermented sausages had higher microbial counts than regular-fat ones. Although the inoculated probiotic starter cultures alone had the functional properties, such as cholesterol reduction, anti-high blood pressure and antimicrobial activity, they did not have distinctive characteristics in the fermented sausages. Based on these results, the low-fat fermented sausages were successfully manufactured, but a little bit increased fat level and improved functional properties in the fermented sausages would be required to have better quality as compared to regular-fat counterparts.
