최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

한국형 육포제조를 위한 원료 돈육의 미생물 분포 및 병원성 미생물의 확인

  • 24

The objective of this study is to evaluate the microbial safety of raw pork used to produce Korean pork jerky. The raw pork samples harbored large populations of microorganisms. In particular, mesophilic bacteria were found to be most numerous (3.9×102-3.9×105 cfu/g) in the samples. Spore-forming bacteria and coliforms were not detected below detection limit. Yeast and molds were detected at 3.8×101-5.1×102 cfu/g in the raw pork. Ten samples of raw pork were analyzed for the presence of pathogenic bacteria. Bacillus cereus was isolated from samples B and J and Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from sample B. The B. cereus isolates from raw pork samples were identified with 99.8% agreement and S. aureus isolate was identified with 97.8% agreement according to the API CHB 50 kit.
