커버이미지 없음
이온수와 복합광물질 급여가 비육돈의 지방산 및 아미노산 조성에 미치는 영향
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제28권 제5호
- 2008.12
- 529 - 534 (6 pages)
This study was conducted to determine the effects of ion water and premixed mineral supplementation on the growth performance, carcass, and meat quality parameters in finishing pigs (LY×D). Each 20 pigs were randomly allotted to three treatments; CON (basal diet), T1 (CON diet added active water), T3 (T1 diet added 1.0% premixed mineral). Used ion water and premixed mineral consisted mainly of Zn and Si, respectively. Cholesterol content (mg% meat) were not differ significantly in the samples, however, the ratios of cholesterol to fat in T1 and T2 was significantly lower than the control (p