커버이미지 없음
Objective Meat Quality and Volatile Components as a Function of Cooking Temperature in Beef Longissimus Lumborum
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제30권 제3호
- 2010.06
- 373 - 384 (12 pages)
The present paper describes the effect of cooking temperature on objective meat qualities and volatile components in beef longissimus lumborum. Twenty samples of lumbar vertebrae longissimus muscle from Australian Black Angus (grain-fed and chiller aged for 29 d) were screened. Samples were cooked at 50, 70 or 90℃ in a pre-heated water bath for 1 h and uncooked raw samples were used as control. The results revealed that elevating the heating temperature from 50 to 90℃ led to a significant (p